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There's more to tomatoes than just being fresh, juicy and delicious, what many don't know about eating tomatoes is that it has many health benefits
Aside the fact that Tomatoes contains Vitamin A, C, K, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, thiamine, magnesium, niacin, copper and phosphorus, which are beneficial to the health. You cannot also overlook the fact that tomatoes which are sweet are naturally low in cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium and calories.
We've brought to you some health benefits of eating tomatoes

1) Eating tomatoes protects you from high blood pressure, stroke, kidney stones and gallstones and other heart related disease.

2) Eating tomatoes help you in building strong bone, with the vitamin K and calcium which are very good for strengthening and repairing bones it contains.

3) The Vitamins and Iron in tomatoes give you a healthy and smooth skin making you look radiant and also helps strengthen the hair making it look better.

4) Eating tomatoes prevent and help fight cancer because they are high in the antioxidant lycopene.Tomatoes’ antioxidants (vitamins A and C) fight the free radicals which can cause cell damage.

5) Eating tomatoes help your sight. The Vitamins A and C it contains help improve vision, prevent night blindness and also protect your eyes from light damage.

6) Eating tomatoes help reduce very severe pain like arthritis or back pain and helps in having a good sleep because of lycopene and vitamin C it contains.

7) Eating tomatoes help in losing weight. Yes! that's when you introduce it into your diet, because it contains high amount of water it makes you get filled up on time without adding fat or cholesterol.
Give tomatoes a try and you'll see the positive result you get when followed efficiently.


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