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Definition = Restoration is the act of restoring, renewal, or reestablishment. Latin: Restoration or restaurant = to restore.
 An act of restoring or the condition of being restored as :
A, a bringing back to a former position or condition; reinstatement (the restoration peace).
B: Restoration.
C: a restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition (the restoration of a painting)
D: the replacing of missing things or crowns
Something that is restored; especially a representation or reconstruction of the original form ( as of a fossil or a building).
This is the process where God allow one to receive back more than what one has lost to the point where the person’s final state is greater than the original condition. E.g. Job.
Total Restoration Can be said to be the act of receiving back in totality all that one had lost and also getting increased in it.
Biblical, when God totally restore back to you all that were lost and also increase you in it .e.g. David.
1.       SPIRITUAL RESTORATION: when all lost spiritually is restored back totally by God. E.g. pray live and service life to God. etc.
2.       PHYSICALLY RESTORATION: when all lost physically is totally restored back By God., financially etc.
3.        GENERAL RESTORATION: when everything’s around you that you lost, is totally restored back by God. E.g. Family relationship, friend etc.
God is ready to restore,
a Prayer life
b Service or fellowship life
c backsliding life
d unfaithfulness to God  e.g.  Evangelism, offering and tithing
e unbelief life
a To restore peace in your family
b To restore Happiness in your family
c To restore Joy in your family
d To restore hope for your family
e To restore all your family must have lost
a He will eradicate poverty from your life
b Your business will come back life
c Your financial will come back alive
d things will begins to work in your life
e Money will not dry in your hand again
All this can be totally restored.


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
During the dedication of the newly constructed Temple, Solomon prayed to God, asking him to forgive and restore the people of Israel when they sinned (2 chronicles 6:12-42). God then told Solomon (in the Verse above) that when   the Israelite sinned, they would be restored after going through a four-step process. God’s word is external; therefore this four-step process has unequivocal application to Christians today. Christians are God’s people called by his name.
The first step in spiritual restoration is humility. To start the restoration process we must first recognize our nothingness before an almighty God. I have neither rights nor commendation before God. On my own, I am both guilty and unworthy to be in his holy presence .God is everything; I am nothing.

The Lord is in his holy temple: Let all the earth keep silence before him: - Habakkuk 2:20.

The second step in spiritual restoration is prayer. Prayer is an act of humility .Prayer is presenting God with a list of desires. God do care about our needs and the instruct us “cast all our cares on him” (1 PETER 5:7).
However, Jesus showed us that the primary purpose of prayer is to prepare persons to perform the perfect will of God (Mathew 6:9-13, Luke 22:42).

    And he … Prayed, saying “father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” Luke 22: 41-42

After we humble ourselves before God, we then seek to discover his will for our lives through prayer.
The third step in spiritual restoration is communion with God: ‘Seeking God’s face’ To seek God’s faced’ is to live in his presence: To communion/fellowship with him. Prayer is the doorway through which we enter into communion with God Scripture instructs us to seek God and to do so “continually” (1 chronicles 16:11, Psalm 27:8, Psalm105:4). To commune/fellowship with God is to live one’s life every second as if serving before God’s throne in heaven. It is to be in constant dialogue with God. It is to be intimate with God: taking with him “face to face”

       And the lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend…. Exodus 33: 11a.

To “seek God’s face “is to work with God as Enoch did: in such close fellowship that the line between earth and heaven becomes blurred. When after the experience his face shines (Exodus 34:34 -35). Paul commune with God and was caught up in the third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:1-3). God wants to lead us from humility to prayer; and from prayer into communion with him.


The fourth and final step in spiritual restoration is repentance; turning from “wicked ways”. Repentance is the offspring of communion. This is not the same “repentance” that is a prerequisite for salvation (Acts 3: 19) because this passage was addressed “my people which are called by my name “. So, God was a addressing those who are already in the fold. Repentance for believer is described in Romans 12:2 as transformation by a renewing of our minds.

     “And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your of mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptance and perfect, with of God. “Romans 12:2.

God intends to bring us from humility into prayer from prayer into communion with God and finally communion gives birth to repentance (Mental renewal) a change in mindset allows us to turn from our “wicked ways)
Start….. And you will finish.
These four steps of spiritual restoration, though sequential, are not independent of each other, the believer that humbles himself before the almighty God will pray, because he recognizes that he must submit to the will of the Lord of host. The believer that discerns the will of God is to walk in communion with God. And the believer that walks in communion with God cannot help but have his mind renewed.


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