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You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men. (14) You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid.

 Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glory to your father who is in heaven.


Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by a passions generated by a vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.

One problem we are having today is that, Leadership is becoming a role one plays rather than a life one leads. And in leading we create for result.


1.       He must be a good goal setting and a good goal better.
2.       He must be able to go extra mile in achieving his goal
1.       He must be able to make positive impact
2.       He must be able to take actions in time of crises


1.       That love is the foundation for every act of a leader
2.       That leader organizes so that they don’t have to agonize.
3.       That a good leader must discern the spirit of Behavior…1JOHN 4:1-8
4.       That a good leader must maintain perspective with problem …..James 1:1-8


1.       A good leaders must guide against hot tempered => Moses
2.       A good leader must guide against untouchable  spirit
3.       A good leader must guide against lack of fellowship => REHOBOAM.
4.       A good leader must guide against pride =>Proverb 16:8.


1.       A good leader must have the spirit of unity => AMOS 3:3
2.       A good leader must be accommodation=> 1 1 kings 4:8-37
3.       A good leader must have the mind of co-operation
4.       A good leader must have the heart of love => 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
(Love must be the foundation and motive for a leader’s action)


P=> Predetermine your course of action
L=>Lay out your goals
A=> Adjust your priorities
N=>Notify key personnel’s
A =>Allow time for acceptance
H=>Head in to actions
E=>Expect problems
A=>Always point to your success
D=> Daily reviews your progress.


Be a good leader that strives to get result. A good leader must develop a heart of love towards his followers => for every leader is also a follow e.g.
  A. Timothy and Erastus saved the church and Paul => Acts 19:22
  B .Phoebe served the church in cenchurea =>Rom 16:1
  C .Aquila and Priscilla risked death to serve Paul and the gentiles =>ROM 16:3-4
  D .Stephanos family decide themselves to service the saints => 1 cor 16:15
E. The apostles served the Corinthian church =>2 cor 3:3
Today no leader want to be a servant rather to be a boss over their subject even the church of God and the work of God people are not ready to serve . And it is only in serving that good leaders are born. Which is yours?


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