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              Here are new definitions of success

1. Success is always doing your best it can be achieved when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do.
2. Success is properly setting concrete goals be realistic and concrete when setting goals. Success does not come from setting abstract goals.

3. Success understands the difference between need and want if you can meet your monthly obligations and fulfill your basic needs, you are successful.

4. Success believes you can if you believe you can, you will succeed.

5. Success is remembering to balance work with passion Work without passion creates undue stress and empty achievements. Focus on what excites you.

6. Success is learning that you sometimes have to say no, Success only comes with a balanced life. Part of balance is learning to say no. 

7. Success knows your life is filled with abundance Love, health, and friends; family…life is filled with abundance.

8. Success understands you cannot keep what you don’t give away you will only succeed if you help others succeed.

9. Success is overcoming fear Conquering a fear makes you feel invincible. No one can stop you now.

10. Success is learning something new each day Successful people understand learning never stops.

11. Success is learning that losing a few Battles can help you win a war Successful people choose their battles wisely.

12. Success is standing your ground when you believe in something Successful people never give up on things they believe with all their heart. 

13. Success is not giving up Perseverance creates grit, grit achieves success. 

14. Success is celebrating small victories anytime a goal is reached or an obstacle is overcome, take time to celebrate. 

15. Success understands you control your destiny your destiny is controlled by you and you alone. Success can be defined in many ways. I think we accomplish success when at the end of a day we can say…this was a good day.



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