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1. “A failure establishes only this: That our determination to succeed was now strong enough “BOVEE

2.”I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” THOMAS EDISON

3. Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things “LOUIS BOONE

4. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor “TRUMAN CAPATE

5. Failure can either be a stepping stone to success or a stumbling to defect” RON HOLLAND

6. Greatness is not achieved by never falling but by rising each time we fall “CONFUCIUS

7. He who looks into the future with the eyes of fear will see nothing but failure” DR.O EZEKIEL

8. If you are not failing, you are not growing “H STANLEY JUDD

9. If you succeed it’s your fault .if you fail succeed, it also your fault “KC PRINCE

10. Sheer persistence is the difference between success and failure “DONALD TRUMP

11. Its common sense to take a method and try it; if it fail admit it frankly and try another but above all try something “ FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT

12. Life is all about learning and one of the most memorable ways of learning something is by messing up”- DR WAYNE W DYER

13. More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent” BILL SUNDAY

14. The business empires built by successful entrepreneurs were erected on the foundation of past failure “AJACRO TONY MARTINS

15. To avoid failure is to limit accomplishment “– WILL ROGERS.

16. The greatest failure in life is to stop trying: - NAPOLEON HILL

17. There is no formula for success but there’s a formula for failure and that is trying to please everyone

18. How many people are completely successful in every department of life? Not one the most successful people are the ones who learn from their mistakes and turns their failure into opportunities “- ZIG ZIGLAR

19. I can accept failure, everyone fails at something but I cannot accept not trying “MICHAEL JORDA

20. Show me a failure and I will show you a man, who does today, what he should have done yesterday”- AJAERO TONY MARTINS

21. Like success, failure is many things to many people with positive mental attitude failure is a learning experience  a rung on the ladder and a plateau at which to get your thought in order to prepare to try again “ W CLEMENT STONE

22. Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away. Move on to something else that’s more productive” DONALD TRUMP

23. Reward worthy failure –experimentation BILL GATES

24. Failure is just a resting place, It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently” HENRY FORD’

25. Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure “THOMES EDISON

26. I believe in trusting men, not only once but twice in giving a failure another chance”- JAMES CASN PENNY

27. I have had all the disadvantages required for success “–LARRY ELLISON

28. When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity, you have choice .You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failure refuses to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be a rested from failure: - MARY KAY ASH

29. Sometimes by losing a battle, you will find a new way to win the war: - DONALD TRUMP

30. Get mocked as for as much as you can, fail as much as you can but don’t quit. Let every mocking every failure, be a source of inspiration for you to silence your critics: AJAERO TONY MARTINO.

31. Be the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it try again doing better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high time. This is your moment, own it “- OPRAH WINFREY.

32. I have learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success “- JACK WELCH

33. All my life, people have said that I wasn’t going to make it”- TED TURNER

34. Be courageous  I have seen many depressing business, Always America has emerged from  these stronger and more prosperous .Be brave as your fathers before you, Have faith ,Go forward:- THOMAS EDISON

35. Loser quit when they fail, Winners fail until they succeed: ROBERT KIYOSAKI

36. Success is a poor teacher; we learn the most about ourselves when we fail so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success .You cannot have success without failure “-RICH DAD

37. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness:-OPRAH WINFREY

38. What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate” DONALD TRUMP

39. For every failure theirs an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a road block, take a detour “MARY KAY ASH

40. All my successes have been built on my failures” BENJAMIN DISRAELI

41. Defect is not the worse of failure, Not to have tried is the true failure “- GEORGE EDWARD WOOD BERRY

42. If we try and fail, we have temporary disappointment s but if we did not try at all we have permanent regrets” – BEN WILLIAMS

43. Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan “JOHN F KENNEDY

44. Failure is like skinned knees, painful but superficial “HENRY ROSS PEROT

45. Success is the ability to from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm”-Winston Churchill

46. Winners lose more than losers. They win and lose more than loser because they stay in the game” TERRY PAULSON

47.If you have made mistakes ,even serious ones there is always another chance for you .What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down” MARY PICKFORD.

48. I have taken more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times. I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life; that is why I succeed. “MICHAEL JORDAN

49. There is no failure, only feedback “- ROBERT ALLEN

50 I don’t believe in failure if you enjoyed the process” OPRAH WINFREY.



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