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    1. Any man who successfully convinces a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana, is capable of selling condoms to a Roma n father. 2. Dear ladies, If your boyfriend didn't wish you a happy mother's day or sing sweet mother for you, you should stop breastfeeding him. 3. He who swallows a complete coconut have absolute trust in his anus. 4. Dear sisters, don't be deceived by a man who text you "I miss you" only when it's raining, because you are not an umbrella. 5. Swimming pool is more useful than Liverpool. 6. If over 15 guys have sucked your breasts, you don't need to call those things "your breasts", It's called COW BELL, OUR MILK! - Repeat after me, OUR MILK! 7. It's hard to bewitch African girls these days. Every time you take a piece from her hair to the witch doctor, either a Brazilian innocent woman gets mad or a factory in China catches fire. 8. All I hear always is, 'No sex before marriage?&
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THOSE WHO HAVE EARS; LET THEM HEAR 1. Pre-marital sex kills faster than cancer. 2. Abortion does not make you unpregnant but a mother of a dead child. 3. The numbers of girls you have sex with does not increase your 'level' but show the level of your ignorance. 4. If you have had sex with up to five boys or girls, how then can you still refer to your sexual organ as 'private part'? It's now a tourist centre under the ministry of public administration. 5. Those that indulge in fornication lose creative in life, lose focus on their careers, lose power to pursue personal goals and dreams, lose God,lose themselves and lose money. 6. Marriage is not for boys and girls but for men and women. Until you become mature, don't bother to marry, because you will fail. 7. Sexual immorality is not just a sin, but a capital sin before God. 8. Masturbation means you are not in charge of your life,someone else is. 9. Homosexuality is tampering with the pu

Increase Traffic To Your Website or Blog

 How to Boost SEO and Increase Traffic To Your Website or Blog Hello,  How are you doing and i want you to know that i read an articles,which was written by John Machay. Websites have come a long way in a short amount of time. Once considered a mere enhancement to the marketing strategies of a corporation or small business, a company website has become vital in the success of its host — to the point where, in many cases, the visibility and quality of the website could make or break the company behind it. Acknowledging this, thousands of businesses, armed with search engine optimization tools, have engaged in a no-holds-barred battle to score a coveted spot on the first page of search engine results. But even with that level of competition, boosting your search engine optimization, or SEO, and increasing traffic to your website can be done by making it more compatible with search engines

Get 5000 Views To Your Blog Per Day

Whether you're looking to monetize your website or gain Internet stardom, attracting more visitors to your blog is a task that demands equal amounts of creativity and patience.  A 2009 study by Technorati revealed that 70 percent of active Internet users read blogs regularly. Reaching 5,000 views per day might seem like a daunting task, but a well-tested combination of web marketing techniques will let you form a solid marketing plan for consistent, sustainable growth. Produce good content. The benefits of this step are not only essential to the development of your blog, but also twofold for your efforts. Captivating, original content is the best way to keep visitors returning to your blog again and again. Quality content that is updated regularly is also favored by search engines, meaning your blog ranks higher in search results.   Acquire backlinks from popular blogs in your sector. Search engines look at incoming links from other si

Blogging and 10 Ways of Increasing Targeted Traffic

 Have you ever asked yourself how a single person keeps on updating his blog with fresh content regularly without running out of ideas? There are some bloggers that will leave you to wonder how they manage to write content regularly. No one can dispute their prolific writing skills. For instance, Seth Godin updates his blog regularly with fresh content. When I was first introduced to blogging, I thought I won't be able to write. But with time, I now know that blogging isn't difficult. For the past three years, I have learned a lot about blogging. I have written articles for various blogs and websites. However, I'm yet to learn more about writing so that I become a better prolific writer. Becoming a blogger is all about learning how to blog. Blogging isn't difficult as some people may tend to think. Below are four most important blogs that will teach you how to blog and how you can become a better blogger.

How to Create a Mailing List for Blogger

Adding a mailing list to your Blogger-hosted blog can increase the number of readers of your Blogger entries. Get a mailing list for your Blogger so that readers are kept informed of your weblog and its new entries. Sign up for a Gmail account on Google.   Visit Google Groups while still signed into your Gmail account. Click "Create a Group."   Name your group, create a group email address, type a 300 words or less group description, indicate  whether your group will have adult content and choose a public, announcement-only or restricted access level. Type in the email addresses of people you want to invite to the mailing list. Include a message that explains the mailing lists purpose. Write down the group's Web address for your records.   Log in to your Blogger account. Click on "Dashboard," "Settings" and the "Email" tab. Locate the "BlogSend Address" field and enter you


I am new in blog articles writing and I have done so much research on many things about writing and making money on internet and I have come to conclusion that articles are just re-writing words which has already be written by someone or another person. What I mean is that many forks has written one things about what you also what to write, in a different way, ideals, point but still result to the same way meaning. So I will advise all blogger writing to know that you’re ideal and point are what matters in writing and understanding. And what is the motive of writing. Our motive might be differ, someone may be writing for the fun on it and someone may be writing to make more money through their website or other pay sites. So Google has made and important part in a way you can generate income from your website and other means. E.g. Google adsense and more and Google also have other important directories. List of directories that Google Likes, and that follow Google Guidel