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Showing posts from June, 2016


    1. Any man who successfully convinces a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana, is capable of selling condoms to a Roma n father. 2. Dear ladies, If your boyfriend didn't wish you a happy mother's day or sing sweet mother for you, you should stop breastfeeding him. 3. He who swallows a complete coconut have absolute trust in his anus. 4. Dear sisters, don't be deceived by a man who text you "I miss you" only when it's raining, because you are not an umbrella. 5. Swimming pool is more useful than Liverpool. 6. If over 15 guys have sucked your breasts, you don't need to call those things "your breasts", It's called COW BELL, OUR MILK! - Repeat after me, OUR MILK! 7. It's hard to bewitch African girls these days. Every time you take a piece from her hair to the witch doctor, either a Brazilian innocent woman gets mad or a factory in China catches fire. 8. All I hear always is, 'No sex before marriage?&