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Showing posts from April, 2016


THOSE WHO HAVE EARS; LET THEM HEAR 1. Pre-marital sex kills faster than cancer. 2. Abortion does not make you unpregnant but a mother of a dead child. 3. The numbers of girls you have sex with does not increase your 'level' but show the level of your ignorance. 4. If you have had sex with up to five boys or girls, how then can you still refer to your sexual organ as 'private part'? It's now a tourist centre under the ministry of public administration. 5. Those that indulge in fornication lose creative in life, lose focus on their careers, lose power to pursue personal goals and dreams, lose God,lose themselves and lose money. 6. Marriage is not for boys and girls but for men and women. Until you become mature, don't bother to marry, because you will fail. 7. Sexual immorality is not just a sin, but a capital sin before God. 8. Masturbation means you are not in charge of your life,someone else is. 9. Homosexuality is tampering with the pu

Increase Traffic To Your Website or Blog

 How to Boost SEO and Increase Traffic To Your Website or Blog Hello,  How are you doing and i want you to know that i read an articles,which was written by John Machay. Websites have come a long way in a short amount of time. Once considered a mere enhancement to the marketing strategies of a corporation or small business, a company website has become vital in the success of its host — to the point where, in many cases, the visibility and quality of the website could make or break the company behind it. Acknowledging this, thousands of businesses, armed with search engine optimization tools, have engaged in a no-holds-barred battle to score a coveted spot on the first page of search engine results. But even with that level of competition, boosting your search engine optimization, or SEO, and increasing traffic to your website can be done by making it more compatible with search engines